Magee Secondary School Design Challenge

In a unique collaboration, the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) at UBC partnered with Magee Secondary School’s Design + Fabrication Program to present students with an exciting challenge: designing and fabricating a functional chair from a single sheet of plywood using CNC technology. This hands-on project introduced students to the fundamentals of CNC machining, including design optimization and manufacturing processes.

Under the guidance of CAWP’s technical staff, students learned to use SketchUp for digital modeling and participated in critiquing sessions to refine their designs. The project culminated in the fabrication of selected chair designs using a 3-axis CNC machine, allowing students to witness the transformation of their digital concepts into physical creations.

The final showcase displayed the students’ creativity and skills, highlighting the importance of practical, real-world experiences in education. This initiative not only enhanced the students’ understanding of design and fabrication but also sparked interest in future careers in design, engineering, and technology. The collaboration exemplifies how educational institutions can work together to foster innovation and inspire the next generation of designers and fabricators.