WMC Management Skills Training Program – What you’ll Learn
This page lists the workplace skills that you will gain by successfully participating in each course module.

Green Marketing and Business Practices
Based on strong demand from industry, the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) has developed an online Green Marketing & Business Practices course to complement the suite of eight existing online courses in the WMC Management Skills Training Program. The course was developed in response to the large number of inquiries CAWP has received about the best ways to address rising consumer interest in green products.
The course is designed for entrepreneurs and employees in management or supervisory roles within the wood products manufacturing sector, although the concepts taught in the course are equally applicable to other business sectors. The course is fully online and requires about 40 hours of study time over an eight week period. Learners are required to complete online readings, take a quiz and contribute to online discussions each week, but are given flexibility in terms of whether they choose to do this during working hours or over evenings and weekends. Participants have access to technical support via email and telephone and interact with a tutor and other learners via email and a user-friendly e-learning website.
The course was written and is tutored by Dr. David Cohen, an expert on wood products marketing, sustainability, and the green economy. Participants who successfully complete the course will be equipped to do the following:
- Explain current trends and expected changes in green marketing;
- Evaluate their companies’ operations in terms of green performance and identify areas for future improvement;
- Incorporate green strategies into their companies’ marketing plans
- Develop a business case for green marketing within their companies or for a specific project based on green market segmentation
- Produce ethical green claims and avoid “green-washing” tactics